Thursday, October 1, 2009

4 Month Appt.

Cady had her 4 month appt. today, as the title implies. She now weighs 12 lbs. 8 oz. and she is 24.5 inches. In other news, she now eats 5 ounces per feeding and we have started her on cereal before bedtime. She loves it. She has also been sleeping through the night for a while now and she has had a regular schedule as well. Her first feeding is usually in the 7AM hour and when she wakes up, she doesn't cry, she just lies there and talks...cute. So thats all for go ahead and read it again...and enjoy

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Read this

Thought you might enjoy this.[I do not own this image but boy do I wish I did.]

Well it has been while since I last updated...Cady is either taller, heavier, or both because her feet now touch the floor in her jumper. She is also fully grabbing things, though she does not quite have the depth perception down yet. Her laugh is now a full laugh and not just squealing. And lastly she is still not sleeping through the night, but she just needs her pacifier and she goes back to sleep. Still no set schedule with her yet either. Thanks for tuning in...this is me, signing out.

Monday, August 10, 2009


So tonight Cady rolled over from her back...FIVE now she rolls both closest actions are sitting up(she is getting really close) and crawling...and she is reaching out and grabbing a lot more now...and her laugh is awesome...that is all. has been 8 nights in a row now that Cady has slept at least 8 hours...awesome

Thursday, July 23, 2009


So for starters, Cady is over 2 months old now...9 weeks and almost 3 days to be exact. I figured I should update and get some new photos up...I plan to get a video of her up before I get to her appt. today...some new things she does.

She now has rediculous head control and no matter how far back she is sitting, she will try and sit up straight...she can't quite get up from laying on her back though...she is pretty close to laughing, she smiles a lot more now....and she can officially roll over on least from her tummy anyways...not quite from her back yet, she cant quite figure out how to get over her arm yet...but today she rolled 4 times from her tummy to back...that's right...count it.

On to the appt...she did not gain much in terms of weight, only 4 ounces. This had me and retta worried at first but the doctor said with her height, she is at a good weight. Her height is now 23 big ol' inches...thats a 1.5 inch gain since last visit. She then of course got her shots, which she was pissed about, but she got two cans of formula(way better than dumb lollipops).

Me and the beast...the doctor said she was strong


Almost Cheesin

I love this picture

Saturday, July 11, 2009


We finally got a new crib...hopefully this one will not be recalled...on another note...Cady is starting to sleep longer...two 7 hour nights this past week and last night she slept for 6...hopefully she sticks to it and gets a schedule down. Also...she is super tall...she is wearing three month clothes and the only reason they dont fit is because she is not very big in the mid section...she drools A LOT...and she is starting to try to laugh...her squeals are so precious...and lastly...her head control and eyesight are awesome. Thanks for tuning in

Monday, June 29, 2009

Visitationificationismally Fantastic

WOOOOHHOOOO....I feel better now. So Cady is now going out and about a lot more. She has been to Halifax at least twice, and Retta's parents house like twice. I take her for walks now in her stroller..and she loves it. I took her to Rose's twice over the weekend, so her and Adrienne can bond, and so she can get used to the Hubert's's's...Plus she needed to experience Blu-ray HD. YEA..and Tom hawt. Anywho..Adrienne likes to point at Cady, it is pretty cute. She also wants her car seat toy. Tonight Cady went out again with mommy to visit mommy's aunt Denise...I believe in York Haven...she wore a purdy dress and looked presh us. She will be wearing said dress again on Sunday, Adrienne's big day. AWESOME!....oh yea...and Cady now enjoys whistling and Rob Zombie music...oh yea. And Backstreet Boys, but no N'Stink...k bye

Friday, June 26, 2009

5 Week Appt.

Cady had her 'one month' appt. today. I called off work because I did not get much sleep last night. So she is now 11 lbs 4 oz and 22.5 in long. Beast. That is my update for now...later homeslices